
There are those types of people in this world that no one talks about. They’re all over, living among us. Fitting in, mostly.

Like us, they’re just trying to get by, scraping a living under the same constructs of our rules as well as their own. Most of them abide by the rules governing their status whilst others, small yet growing in numbers will never accept rules and boundaries as they feel it isn’t right or natural. They believe it should be us who abide by their laws and that we should suffer the same humiliations of constant checking and permission seeking, not them

Whilst many live harmonious in our normal world, accepting and grateful for a normal life, there are some that desperately covet not only the authority to govern our world, but also the worlds that lay shrouded just beyond their grasping reach.

These worlds, or shrouds as they’re better known as are special places which would allow for greater power to the evil that owned them. They’re getting closer to their ambitions too, as the line between one particular shroud has already blurred.

It takes a young woman and her friends all their strength and hope to save one of the most important shrouds they have grown very fond of, from a cruel fate but whilst lives are endangered, some are lost and others are changed forever….

More on the synopsis to follow very soon


Welcome to my blog. I started a journey writing my book some time ago and yet it has taken me until now to realise my story is almost ready to be told. My story is a mixture of supernatural and fantasy and was born in the woods in a little village I lived in. The world of the ‘Supernatural‘ brings mixed feelings to us all. To some it is little more than an excitement yet to others, it is the feeling and sense we all know we have, that makes hearts thump quicker and louder and the icey breath barely leave our lungs. And as an ice cold chill run up our arms and encircle our necks and throat, we fear because this time… might be that time we wished we hadn’t looked. 

I want to tell you my story… because it is a true story. One which I hope you enjoy reading and following. And one which fulfils every dimension of your mind.